What Being.... 360 Fair Trade Means
Posted by Joycelyn Ghansah on
The words “Fair Trade” mean so much more than just “feel-good words.” As a member of the Fair Trade Federation, Global Crafts is fully committed to the principles listed above in aspects of our business, both domestically and world-wide. Our Fair Trade Federation membership means we go beyond the fair trade basics. It’s a 360° approach that’s about building true partnerships with artisans and working to create positive change through all of our work. 360° fair trade means not only fair wages, but also long-term, holistic partnerships that empower artisans to grow their businesses. As an FTF member, we go...
Linda Edwards, phd to speak
Posted by Linda Edwards on
Dr. Edwards, founder of A Fair Trade World, will be speaking on October 10, 2015 at the Ohio Fair Trade Network conference. Check the website for the session time. A Fair Trade World will also be showing our products at a vending table on that day.
Uganda girls need school
Posted by Linda Edwards on
This website tells all about the Uganda girls and their needs:
Artisan Christine
Posted by Linda Edwards on
Artisan Nambooze Christine of Uganda Jambooze Christine is a 50 year old mother of 4 (two boys and two girls, the youngest being 25 years of age). Christine separated from her husband 5 years ago and has since then struggled to earn a living. Christine dropped out of school after senior four because her father could no longer afford to pay for her education. Her father was working as a technician at Makerere University until 1996 when he finally retired. Today both of Christine’s parents have passed on and she is on her own. Christine is among the many women...